Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Engagement (Fairus Tunang)

Safuan and I are officially engaged on 04 Nov 2013! Alhamdulillah..

Let me share a bit about my engagement ceremony which was mostly impromptu!

Actually we did not want any engagement but since his mother said "hantar cincin jer" and no exchange of gifts and only 9 people from his side would attend, so apa lagi.. on jer lah..
My side too, did not want to make it a big ceremony. Only close families especially the eldest aunt/uncle from paternal and maternal side will attwnd. BUT... another dilemma striked us. We did not want later other relatives be like "why didn't you invite us?" It will only severe our ties. So my mother ended up inviting all my relatives from both my father and her side, excluding 1 family.. (long story)

Just to be clear that my engagement ceremony is still on a small scale! We very ala kadar. I did not engage ANY professional help!

(From my experience)
List of things for future Malay Ladies who are planning for her engagement ceremony:


If the guy says that they will just exchange 2 gifts.. make sure you prepare 4-6 gifts! Because his relatives will contribute 1-2 dulang without him or u knowing.


I always get confused if bunga rampai is necessarry for engagement ceremony. My fiance told me no bunga rampai. Then when his family arrived, they brought cups of bunga rampai. So.... ends up, my side no bunga rampai. We also did not think about it.


Ladies.. you need to wear them while you are sitting and waiting for the ring to be worn on your finger!
Since Im the eldest child, most of my cousins dah beranak pinak.. i have no one to 'consult' about preparation. So in the end, i hid my bare feet all the time by lifting up my legs and hid behind my skirt.


Must don selendang!
I never think it's a must, but it is! So lucky I have a good friend of mine who has her mum's one which suits my outfit and she lives next block to me.. pheeww


Ni tak payah cakap eh. Get a professional help if you have limited make up or do not know  how to make up nicely.
For myself, im penny-less so I sought my friend to help me make up. Trust me she's too learning to make up well. But she has way more make up than me and i saw how she did her eyes before. V nice...


Optional. I did not have one :( he also did not give me on that day:(:(:( but it did not matter much to me (how i wish he gave me!)


For those who do not plan to engage professional help in make up or hairdo, you can follow my example. I went to the nearby hair salon (sunshine place) and showed the hair stylist the googled image. I told hwr to wash and style. It costs me $35 only! Happy girl... cheap cheap...
Went there with my baju tunang tops and home pants and my self-applied foundation.. so asal boleh... but i dont mind :D


Lucky me. My mum sponsored me baju kurung. We bought it 1 month before from TKCC. Baju kurung biasa jer. Its Yellow.

Thats about it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi babe! Just wanna ask when u said that selendang is a must. May I know why? Coz I'm contemplating if should wear or not. Hehe :) Thanks in advance!
